Top free website traffic Secrets

Do you know how large the traffic volume is for those really "big" site? The amount of traffic generated by a given site is perhaps the most important predictor of the amount of AdSense revenue it generates. To me, traffic is KING!!

Even with the importance of factors such as proper formatting and placement of ads, no site can succeed without a sufficient number of visitors checking out the ads being offered.

There are of course a number of strategies to increase web traffic, and most webmasters will have heard the term SEO, or search engine optimization. SEO techniques use a combination of targeted content rich in popular keywords, links from other sites and other methods to drive traffic and increase search engine rankings.

Search engine rankings can be vital to website traffic, of course, since most people use some sort of search engine to find the information they need on a variety of subjects. Pay per click advertising, or PPC, is another popular way to build traffic to a site. Hope this post can give you a brief introduction on how importance the traffic is to a site.

Of course there are other things you must do in addition to just writing. Things such as: squeeze pages, sign up lists, auto responders, and others but those are for another article.

SEO techniques use a combination of targeted content rich in popular keywords, links from here other methods and other sites to drive traffic and increase search engine rankings.

Pay per click advertising, or PPC, is another popular way to build traffic to a site. SEO techniques use a combination of targeted content rich in popular keywords, links from other sites and other methods to drive traffic and increase search engine rankings.

Pay per click advertising, or PPC, is another popular way to build traffic to a site. The problem with traffic on the Internet is just this: There isn't any traffic signals!

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